A series of notes to my son:
1 / x
Mallo! You’re my only son. I love you so much! I’m going to tell you every day!
/Earl Devereaux from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs voice
I’m writing this as we finish an epic lil’ fam jam vacation in which you reminded me of so many reasons I love you, learn from you, and how proud you make mama and I.
Every day you teach me gratitude, kindness, humility, patience, love, understanding, forgiveness, and how to keep an immense zest for life, detached from what everyone else is doing.
I think in the back of my mind the idea of writing down “notes” has been brewing as we navigate daily life. But we experienced so many micro-examples of macro-lessons this past week, I wanted to capture my thoughts and share them here so you can refer to them throughout life when you need them most.
Jump in (with a smile)

Your love of cannonballing into the pool is a micro-example of your macro-view on life — Jump in with a smile — and I LOVE IT!
Yes, sure, you put sunscreen on and adjust your goggles (necessary prep work), but you don’t dip your toe, you introduce yourself with a statement and a smile that I’m convinced actually warms the water as you hit the bottom, ready to rocket back up.
You don’t know what the water is like but you take the chance anyway.
Keep that mindset. Keep taking chances. Have fun. Believe in yourself to figure it out as you’re DOING. It’s going to be so valuable as you do everything in this life that makes you happy.
(There’s an element of this lesson in me writing this. I’m not entirely sure how I wanted it to turn out, other than beginning a running list of my thoughts and observations as we navigate life together. So I put words on the page and am figuring it out and sharing as we go — jumping in, with a smile)
Keep pushing your own limits

I learn so much playing with you at the pool. As you expand your comfort zone and push your limits on holding your breath underwater, I’m fighting my natural instinct of being right there to lift you back to the surface, and standing back to let you find new limits. So thank you for helping me expand my own comfort zone as you push yours. Keep pushing!
Dream the biggest dreams and build brick x brick

You can have that McLaren, Lambo, Ferrari, NSX, or whatever you want now, but can’t yet afford(or drive).

Work hard, make smart decisions, bounce back from bad ones, be persistent, and you can have everything you want in life.
Remember, just like you’re doing now with the LEGO versions: it takes as long as it takes; “slow is smooth, smooth is fast”; keep building brick x brick.
Keep doing uncomfortable things

The power of this lesson is in the story of growing through uncomfortable things. I asked you if you wanted to get in the hot tub because the pool was chilly and the wind was giving you goosebumps, and you said, “no dad, we have to do uncomfortable things.” Instead you embraced that mindset and got back to having fun in the chilly pool. That moment, my heart felt strong with pride because it was a perfect example of seeing results in what you’ve been working on — growing through doing uncomfortable things.
Embrace the outdoors

Find the activities that you love to do outdoors and embrace them. You may not love burpees, but you love swimming, biking, lifting weights.
Fresh air, sunshine, and movement are important daily so let’s embrace the outdoors and keep doing the doing.
Complaining is like the close button on an elevator door

Complaining doesn’t help us. It doesn’t actually do anything. It’s a placebo to make it appear like something is happening, but it adds no tangible value to our situation. So skip the complaining so we can get to work on what’s next.
Not much else to say :)
Family is Everything

I’m enjoying this trip so much because your contributions to our crazy goofball family are so so rad. Your mom and I, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and everyone want the absolute best for you. We are your support system and your biggest fan club. You bring so much joy to your family.
Understand how important it is to stay connected throughout life because family is everything.
You are unique AND interesting, never change for anyone

You told me “I am unique and that makes me interesting.” And I told you, “Heck freakin yes you are!” and you called me out for saying “freakin.” And we laughed.
But you’re 100% right. Embrace YOU and show the world who that is through your actions. You’re kind, smart, funny, zany, strong, and so many other qualities that make you unique and interesting — never change for anyone.
In closing
I think a lot about legacy and my role as a father. I’m working every day to be the best version of myself, and preparing you to be the best version of you.

So let’s keep building this rad life, do hard things, and have some fun! Deal?
And Thank YOU, for giving me the opportunity to celebrate Father’s Day!
I love you, little duder.