An Intro to #WalkTheWant

If you’ve ever thought about starting a business or becoming an influencer, it’s only natural to start off as a “student of the game.” You start to consume content from Gary Vaynerchuk, Casey Neistat, Chef Lizette, Roberto Blake, Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz, Matt and Caleb Maddix, Carlos Gil, Amy Schmittauer and countless other hustlers becoming the next generation of success stories while you ponder how to replicate them.
You plan, discuss, download apps to strategize, take copious notes, whiteboard pros / cons, talk to your friends and family, find reassurance and reasons not to, and the list goes on and on…
But the planning and “talking about it” become a plateau for many people.
I know because I’ve been there.
In college, around 2000, my friends and I got cell phones. And after hearing the ringtones that came with the phones, my first thought was, “we have to figure out a way to get songs we know and like on these things — both for novelty and because it could be a million-dollar idea.” (I underestimated)
With the help of dial-up internet and information we gathered, we even figured out how to send code via sms to our phones to play Metallica’s Enter Sandman in monophonic form. It was the beginning of the coolest thing ever.
Whether at mom’s for a home-cooked meal or our apartment back porch, we continuously talked about how we’d pitch the idea to CEOs at Walmart or Disney for funding, how we could get patents, other legal hurdles, and of course, how to make and spend millions, and on and on…
And the longer we talked, the more doubt crept in and the easier it was to postpone. Could we actually pull this off? What if we fail and let our families down? After all, a dream is still alive if it‘s not crushed, right? And so that’s where the dream stayed…an idea. We missed a pioneering opportunity in a multi-billion dollar ringtone industry because all we did was talk the want.
Ideas are born every minute. But if you want to go anywhere with one, you have to execute. You have to walk the want. You have to go beyond talking about your want and actually walk toward it; make that first phone call, record your first video, send that first email; just start working.
The journey is full of unknowns and potential pitfalls, and it’s hard, I get it. The good news: you get more comfortable with every single step you take and action begets traction begets momentum begets success.
Take steps every day to #WalkTheWant.
What is the want? Do you want to be a life coach? Great! Go out and get a ridiculous amount of life experience and share it. Want to start vlogging? Awesome! Use the device you’re reading this on to start documenting your story — and make it interesting. Want to build an attention-grabbing iPhone app but don’t have experience and have no idea where to start? Awesome! Click here to start.(hint: it’s a Google search link)
Want to create the most inspiring, engaging apparel company ever, launch a creative shop, write a book, sell a screenplay to Hollywood, travel with family, get healthier, and one day make it to space? That’s what I’m walking toward; as many steps as I can take; every day. #OnwardAndUpward.
Join me.
Use the #WalkTheWant hashtag across social platforms to share parts of your journey and let’s rock each day together!
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