The Sum Total of A Lot of Little Efforts, Isn’t Little! #WalkTheWant

Before school. During lunch. After work. After you put kid(s) to bed.
There are pockets of time to walk toward your want.
Quick story: I wanted to learn double-unders. Every time we worked out with a jump rope, I either wasted workout time with failed attempts or did triple the amount of singles, preventing me from finishing a workout in time.
So I found time to practice (shoutout @crossfitoctave fam). 5,10,15 minutes. I’d find time to be early or stay late, after workouts and put in a few minutes. Just doing. Practicing. And in the last couple weeks, I’ve finally figured it out. Some of you have seen the stories.
Before that, I really just kept expecting it to happen as easy as I learned to ride a bike. Like one day I’d go in and we’d have double-unders in the workout and I’d just mentally will myself to get them. Cause I can jump rope so doubles should just happen. It had to because I certainly didn’t have the time to set aside to learn them. Life is crazy busy. You ever feel like that?!
What I learned is that it’s sum of all the little efforts done consistently that made all the difference.
Whether it’s double-unders or writing a book, or launching a business, becoming a @drock or learning to be a culinary magician like @cheflizette1, it’s about finding ways to put in little efforts consistently because the sum total of those efforts isn’t little, it’s the difference.
Hope this helps you in some way! Go get yours!